Tennis hospitality: Be coached by a legend at the tennis venue of your choice
This is no ordinary tennis coaching session. You’ll never forget the moment when you grasp your racket, toss the ball and fire a serve at a tennis legend on the far side of the net. Then imagine the buzz as you rally back and forth on a world-famous court, before your celebrity guest teaches the pro tips that you’ll take back to your local tennis club. We cannot be serious? The Gala team can make it all happen.
Tennis hospitality that serves an ace
You’ve already accompanied clients and colleagues to the UK’s biggest courts with Gala’s tennis hospitality – now it’s time to turn from spectator to participant. First, choose your preferred location, from a local club to a famous venue like Queen’s, Eastbourne or Edgbaston Priory. Then get hands-on, as your chosen tennis star not only shares insider tips but plays a full game against each member of your group. You’ll also be joined by a local qualified coach to keep the shots coming while your tennis star gives everyone some personal attention.
But the action on the court is just the start. Once your coaching session is complete, you’ll be ready to enjoy a well-earned meal at either the club or a nearby restaurant, where you’ll spend more quality time with your chosen tennis star and hear stories from their career that have never been shared with the media.
These are just some of the tennis stars available for our 2024 celebrity experiences (simply ask the Gala team if you don’t see your favourite name below).
- Jo Durie
- Annabel Croft
- Jeremy Bates
- Judy Murray
- Greg Rusedski
- Pat Cash
- Jamie Delgado
- Peter Fleming
- Tim Henman
- Dan Evans
- Laura Robson
- Heather Watson